Chapter members–click here to access the full newsletter.  You will be directed to our private Yahoo group and you will need to sign in.

President’s MessageChapter Election ResultsVolunteer Service HoursUFO UpdatesOther News

President’s Message

We have ended 2005 and it was a full year. Special thanks to all, for the work on the White Elephant Sales in January and May, the Sewing & Craft Fair and San Diego Fair volunteers, the Pacific Southwest Region Meeting in June, the Stained Glass Pillow GCC, stitched bookmarks, potlucks throughout the year, Hurricane Katrina support, and the Carmel Valley Library display. Also, thank you to Ina Gibson for allowing us to celebrate our holiday party in your home. It was a special and delightful evening.

And our sincere appreciation to the teachers, designers, volunteers and stitchers that helped us have such a full and fun 2005.

We look forward to all the wonderful programs planned for 2006 by Karen Herndon and Tamara Willis. Be sure to read your newsletters for more details.

Mark your calendars – on February 20, we will have a FINAL Clearance Sale from 5:00 p.m. to 8:00 p.m. in the Clairemont Community Room. All items will be ten cents – one thin dime – for everything: books, kits, needlework charts, frames, threads, and much more. Come and get some great bargains!

Happy Stitching! Karen

Chapter Election Results

The following officers were elected at the chapter meeting on November 27, 2005:

  • President–Karen Krampe
  • Programs–Karen Herndon
  • Membership–Angelina Hendricks
  • Secretary–Heather Cowan
  • Treasurer–Margi Thornburgh

No nominees were added to this slate of officers as presented by the Nominating Committee.

Volunteer Service Hours

Be sure to turn in your volunteer service hours during the chapter meeting. These hours are vital in helping EGA maintain its non-profit status. All volunteer hours count, even if for an organization other than EGA. Thanks to everyone !!

UFO Updates

We will be following the same format for the 2006 UnFinished Object program as we did in 2005.

Older Projects (started prior to 1999) (4 pts) 0
Old Projects (started prior to 2006) (3 pts) 0
New (started and finished stitching in 2006) (1 pt) 0
Group Correspondence Course (2 pts) 0
Outreach bookmarks (2 pts) 0
New Technique (2 pts) 0
Chapter Programs (2 pts) 0
Model for Chapter Programs (2 pts) 0
Finished (2 pts) 0
Seminar / ANG / CATS (2 pts) 0

Other News

  • The January program will be a library night.  Members will be able to peruse the Chapter’s Library and check out books they find interesting!
  • The February program will be a quilt block ornament.  Details to come.
  • Christmas Party Congratulations to:
    • Jennifer Tom – winner of the drawing for the 2006 Free Membership
    • Gloria Fedor – completed the most UFOs during 2005
  • Sandy Higgins, a long-time chapter member, is presenting a special tassel making workshop on January 19th.  Examples will be at Chat & Stitch on the 16th.  Please contact Sandy or Shirley Fetterolf for more details or to sign up.
  • Don’t forget to support the businesses that advertise in our chapter newsletter!  Let them know you are a member of Muchas Manos and appreciate their support.  In this month’s newsletter, our advertisers were:  Fabrication, Needle Nook of La Jolla, Needlepoint of La Jolla, Sandy’s Finishing Touches, Stitcher’s Treasures, and The Black Sheep.

Chapter members–click here to access the full newsletter.  You will be directed to our private Yahoo group and you will need to sign in.

President’s MessageCorrespondence Course UpdateVolunteer Service HoursUFO UpdatesOther News

President’s Message

It is hard to believe the year is almost over. I’d like to thank the current board and committee members for all their hard work over the past year.

Please visit our library display during November and December at the Carmel Valley library located at 3919 Townsgate Drive, San Diego. The display looks wonderful and a special thanks to Margi and Heather for setting it up.

Please join us for the Holiday Party Monday, December 5, at Ina Gibson’s home. The party is a potluck and all are invited. If you wish to participate in the gift exchange, please bring a wrapped hand-stitched item, or a stitching related item valued at $20.00 maximum. I hope to see everyone there!

Another reminder of our next Group Correspondence Course – the 17th century English-Style Sampler by teacher Ilse Altherr. Sign-ups will be taken until December 15, 2005.

For the New Year celebration, we plan a full afternoon of stitching on Monday, January 2, 2006, in the Community Room, from noon to 5:00 p.m. Let’s start the year with a great day of stitching – hope to see you there as well.

Happy Stitching! Karen

Group Correspondence Course Update

The Stained Glass Pillow Group Correspondence Course continues. To see a picture of the piece and a description of the course, check it out online.

As the Stained Glass Pillow Group Correspondence Course continues, we are preparing for the next Course, the 17th Century English-Style Sampler.  The last day to sign up is December 15. The costs are $29.50 for the text, and the teacher’s fee is currently at $16.25 for the 8 current participants. If more people sign up, the teacher’s fee would be reduced. As is the norm with GCC’s, your materials will be of your own choice and at your own cost. Please contact Karen Krampe at Nov. 21 Open Stitching or 11-28-05 Meeting to sign up.

Volunteer Service Hours

Be sure to turn in your volunteer service hours during the chapter meeting. These hours are vital in helping EGA maintain its non-profit status. All volunteer hours count, even if for an organization other than EGA. Thanks to everyone !!

UFO Updates

Tamara Willis has provided the following status for Un Finished Objects 2005 Program.

Older Projects (started prior to 1998) (4 pts) 16
Old Projects (started prior to 2005) (3 pts) 45
New (started and finished stitching in 2005) (1 pt) 47
Group Correspondence Course (2 pts) 6
Outreach bookmarks (2 pts) 40
New Technique (2 pts) 14
Chapter Programs (2 pts) 6
Model for Chapter Programs (2 pts) 0
Finished (2 pts) 116
Seminar / ANG / CATS (2 pts) 16

Other News

  • Instead of our regular chapter meeting in December, we will be having our holiday party on Monday, December 5, 2005. Ina has graciously offered her home for our annual Holiday Party. Please join in the fun from 6:30 p.m. Bring a dish to share for dinner – no signups needed. This will be a true potluck – if we end up with 20 desserts, OK ! All we will eat is dessert! The festivities will include UFO awards, a drawing for free membership next year (any member who attended even one meeting could be the lucky winner), and the always-fun and sometimes-hilarious gift exchange.
  • The January program will be a library night.  Members will be able to peruse the Chapter’s Library and check out books they find interesting!
  • Don’t forget to support the businesses that advertise in our chapter newsletter!  Let them know you are a member of Muchas Manos and appreciate their support.  In this month’s newsletter, our advertisers were:  Fabrication, Needlecraft Cottage, Needle Nook of La Jolla, Needlepoint of La Jolla, Sandy’s Finishing Touches, Stitcher’s Treasures, and The Black Sheep.

Chapter members–click here to access the full newsletter.  You will be directed to our private Yahoo group and you will need to sign in.

President’s MessageCorrespondence Course UpdateVolunteer Service HoursUFO UpdatesOther News

President’s Message

We unanimously voted during our September meeting approving a $250.00 contribution to Habitat for Humanity for Hurricane Katrina victims. Again, any items you wish to donate to replace stash and stitching items lost in the hurricane can be given to a board member. We will send them to the Tennessee Valley Region before the first of the year. Thanks to all for your generosity.

November is also the time to vote for the open Board Member positions – Programs, Membership, and Secretary. If you are not able to attend the meeting, please complete a ballot. Please join us for the Holiday Party on Monday, December 5. The party will be a potluck and all are invited. If you wish to participate in the gift exchange, please bring a wrapped hand-stitched item or stitching related item valued at $20.00 maximum.

And consider our next Group Correspondence Course – the 17th century English-Style Sampler by teacher Ilse Altherr. Sign-ups will be taken until December 15, 2005.

Happy Stitching! Karen

Group Correspondence Course Update

The Stained Glass Pillow Group Correspondence Course continues. To see a picture of the piece and a description of the course, check it out online.

It is really fun to watch the progress of everyone who has been working on the Stained Glass Pillow project. The color choices really show our tastes and styles. From one that is a wide variety of colors (it reminds me of a kaleidoscope) to a southwestern palette, and pastels, reminiscent of the 70’s – they are all turning out beautifully. IF I ever do this project again (big IF!) I would like to try it in all one color.

Volunteer Service Hours

Be sure to turn in your volunteer service hours during the chapter meeting. These hours are vital in helping EGA maintain its non-profit status. All volunteer hours count, even if for an organization other than EGA. Thanks to everyone !!

UFO Updates

Tamara Willis has provided the following status for Un Finished Objects 2005 Program.

Older Projects (started prior to 1998) (4 pts) 16
Old Projects (started prior to 2005) (3 pts) 45
New (started and finished stitching in 2005) (1 pt) 44
Group Correspondence Course (2 pts) 6
Outreach bookmarks (2 pts) 40
New Technique (2 pts) 14
Chapter Programs (2 pts) 6
Model for Chapter Programs (2 pts) 0
Finished (2 pts) 112
Seminar / ANG / CATS (2 pts) 16

Other News

Chapter members–click here to access the full newsletter.  You will be directed to our private Yahoo group and you will need to sign in.

President’s MessageCorrespondence Course UpdateRegion CookbookVolunteer Service HoursUFO UpdatesOther News

President’s Message

It’s official – summer is over. The fall season makes me thankful for the world and people around us. And in this time of natural disasters there are several ways we as individuals and as a group can help. The Tennessee Valley Region began collecting donations at the National Seminar in Atlanta to replace the stash and stitching items lost in the hurricane. If you have any items you wish to add, please give them to a board member and we will send them to the TVR before the first of the year. Additionally, we will decide at the Sept. 26 meeting how to help as a group.

Plus, several designers are participating with a special project that will carry a charitable donation for Katrina victims. Here are just a few: Martina Webber of Chatelaine has designed a New Orleans sampler; Martina Dey of Stickideen von der Weihenburg has designed two different relief samplers – one supporting people and the other including children and pets; Rosewood Manor has two samplers available; Nordic Needle has several charity items; and M Designs offers a freebie reverse image tree design of the word “pray”.

Please keep in mind the opportunities to serve the Guild and as an officer and board member. Programs, Membership, and Secretary positions are open. More information on the holiday party on Monday, December 6, 2005, will be presented at the meeting on September 26. I hope to see all of you at the meeting – and at the party! Happy Stitching!


Group Correspondence Course Update

The Stained Glass Pillow Group Correspondence Course has begun!  To see a picture of the piece and a description of the course, check it out online.

On August 29, the six members that came to Open Stitching were all working on this project – this had to be a first. First Place: Virginia Noe has already completed hers, and found it to be a lot of fun. Last Place: Gini Moore just completed the “leading” – the dark color outlines that mark the boundaries of the textured stitches. We are all learning something – from compensation stitches to creativity and individuality while attempting to follow a designer’s instructions !!

Region Cookbook

The Pacific Southwest Region wants your recipes to compile into a Region Cookbook, to be used as a Region Fund Raiser. Specifically, salads, all kinds of salads. Cold salads, hot salads, main course salads, and dessert salads.

Volunteer Service Hours

Be sure to turn in your volunteer service hours during the chapter meeting. These hours are vital in helping EGA maintain its non-profit status. All volunteer hours count, even if for an organization other than EGA.

Thanks to everyone !!

UFO Updates

Tamara Willis has provided the following status for Un Finished Objects 2005 Program.

Older Projects (started prior to 1998) (4 pts) 16
Old Projects (started prior to 2005) (3 pts) 39
New (started and finished stitching in 2005) (1 pt) 43
Group Correspondence Course (2 pts) 4
Outreach bookmarks (2 pts) 40
New Technique (2 pts) 14
Chapter Programs (2 pts) 6
Model for Chapter Programs (2 pts) 0
Finished (2 pts) 112
Seminar / ANG / CATS (2 pts) 16

Other News

  • The October program will be Margi teaching a beaded spiral rope necklace.  See the program page for details.
  • This month’s special article on documenting your work was written by Heather Cowan.
  • EGA nationwide is offering a new classification of membership for Youth. Our chapter would like to get some ideas for Youth Outreach opportunities. Do you work with Scouts or Camp Fire or schools or religious groups? All suggestions will be welcomed!
  • Did you see the mention of our chapter’s bookmark project in Needle Arts, the national newsletter? It was kind of thrilling to see our little project get national recognition. Our “Many Hands” really do get busy when we’re working on something worthwhile.
  • Don’t forget to support the businesses that advertise in our chapter newsletter!  Let them know you are a member of Muchas Manos and appreciate their support.  In this month’s newsletter, our advertisers were:  Fabrication, Needlecraft Cottage, Needle Nook of La Jolla, Needlepoint of La Jolla, Sandy’s Finishing Touches, Stitcher’s Treasures, and The Black Sheep.

Chapter members–click here to access the full newsletter.  You will be directed to our private Yahoo group and you will need to sign in.

President’s MessageCorrespondence Course UpdateRegion CookbookVolunteer Service HoursUFO UpdatesOther News

President’s Message

Summer moves along into September and hopefully the cooler weather will not be far behind. Labor Day, September 5, the Community Room will be available to us all day. Let’s have another Free Stitching afternoon – of stitching, conversation and fun. If you wish, you can bring beverages and munchies to share. We’ll talk about the time to open at the August meeting.

As the year end approaches, we will again have elections. Some of the board positions will be open. If you would like to participate in the nominating committee, contact any of the current board members.

Save the date of Monday, December 5, 2005, for our holiday party. Details of location and time are yet to be finalized, but we always have a good time with a potluck dinner, awards, and an optional gift exchange. Please plan to come – the more the merrier at this chapter party !

Happy Stitching!


Group Correspondence Course Update

The Stained Glass Pillow Group Correspondence Course has begun!  To see a picture of the piece and a description of the course, check it out online.

As usual, some stitchers are setting a record pace, and others are getting a slower start. I hear that Virginia has already completed hers! I can hardly wait to see it, in her multiple color choices. And the color combinations other members have chosen will make our completed projects very beautiful.

Region Cookbook

The Pacific Southwest Region wants your recipes to compile into a Region Cookbook, to be used as a Region Fund Raiser. Specifically, salads, all kinds of salads. Cold salads, hot salads, main course salads, and dessert salads.

Volunteer Service Hours

Be sure to turn in your volunteer service hours during the chapter meeting. These hours are vital in helping EGA maintain its non-profit status. All volunteer hours count, even if for an organization other than EGA.

Thanks to everyone !!

UFO Updates

Tamara Willis has provided the following status for Un Finished Objects 2005 Program.

Older Projects (started prior to 1998) (4 pts) 16
Old Projects (started prior to 2005) (3 pts) 30
New (started and finished stitching in 2005) (1 pt) 33
Group Correspondence Course (2 pts) 4
Outreach bookmarks (2 pts) 40
New Technique (2 pts) 14
Chapter Programs (2 pts) 4
Model for Chapter Programs (2 pts) 0
Finished (2 pts) 92
Seminar / ANG / CATS (2 pts) 14

Other News

  • The September meeting will a vintage blackwork ornament.  See the program page for details.
  • This month’s member spotlight is on Tamara Willis.
  • EGA nationwide is offering a new classification of membership for Youth. Our chapter would like to get some ideas for Youth Outreach opportunities. Do you work with Scouts or Camp Fire or schools or religious groups? All suggestions will be welcomed!
  • Don’t forget to support the businesses that advertise in our chapter newsletter!  Let them know you are a member of Muchas Manos and appreciate their support.  In this month’s newsletter, our advertisers were:  Fabrication, Needlecraft Cottage, Needle Nook of La Jolla, Needlepoint of La Jolla, Sandy’s Finishing Touches, Stitcher’s Treasures, and The Black Sheep.

Chapter members–click here to access the full newsletter.  You will be directed to our private Yahoo group and you will need to sign in.

President’s MessageCorrespondence Course UpdateRegion CookbookVolunteer Service HoursUFO UpdatesOther News

President’s Message

Hope everyone is having a wonderful summer! Our July 4th potluck was a great day filled with stitching and socializing. I wish every day could be the same.

Great news from the City: The Clairemont Community Room is to remain open! We are grateful to have such a wonderful meeting space.

Don’t forget to take a look at the magnets our chapter has for sale. We have two versions: one-inch diameter decorated disks with ribbons attaching the set, for $6 a pair, and the super powerful mini magnets for $3 a set.

Remember that Board Meetings are open to all members. Our next Board Meeting is Tuesday, August 9. Please join us at 7:00 p.m. at Angelina’s home.

Happy Stitching!


Group Correspondence Course Update

The Stained Glass Pillow Group Correspondence Course has begun!  To see a picture of the piece and a description of the course, check it out online.

As usual, some stitchers are setting a record pace, and others are getting a slower start. Virginia has decided to stitch the entire piece in #3 perle cottons for better coverage; she has also found a few misprints in the instructions. See her for details! And the color combinations we have chosen will make our completed projects very beautiful.

Region Cookbook

The Pacific Southwest Region wants your recipes to compile into a Region Cookbook, to be used as a Region Fund Raiser. Specifically, salads, all kinds of salads. Cold salads, hot salads, main course salads, and dessert salads.

Volunteer Service Hours

Be sure to turn in your volunteer service hours during the chapter meeting. These hours are vital in helping EGA maintain its non-profit status. All volunteer hours count, even if for an organization other than EGA.

Thanks to everyone !!

UFO Updates

Tamara Willis has provided the following status for Un Finished Objects 2005 Program.

Older Projects (started prior to 1998) (4 pts) 12
Old Projects (started prior to 2005) (3 pts) 24
New (started and finished stitching in 2005) (1 pt) 29
Group Correspondence Course (2 pts) 4
Outreach bookmarks (2 pts) 8
New Technique (2 pts) 10
Chapter Programs (2 pts) 2
Model for Chapter Programs (2 pts) 0
Finished (2 pts) 54
Seminar / ANG / CATS (2 pts) 10

Other News

  • The August meeting will a stocking ornament.  Later this year we will present a program on finishing the ornament.  See the program page for details.
  • This month’s member spotlight is on Margi Thornburgh.
  • EGA nationwide is offering a new classification of membership for Youth. Our chapter would like to get some ideas for Youth Outreach opportunities. Do you work with Scouts or Camp Fire or schools or religious groups? All suggestions will be welcomed!
  • Don’t forget to support the businesses that advertise in our chapter newsletter!  Let them know you are a member of Muchas Manos and appreciate their support.  In this month’s newsletter, our advertisers were:  Fabrication, Needlecraft Cottage, Needle Nook of La Jolla, Needlepoint of La Jolla, Sandy’s Finishing Touches, Stitcher’s Treasures, and The Black Sheep.

Chapter members–click here to access the full newsletter.  You will be directed to our private Yahoo group and you will need to sign in.

President’s MessageCorrespondence Course UpdateRegion CookbookVolunteer Service HoursUFO UpdatesOther News

President’s Message

The Memorial Day sale was a wonderful day of stitching and sales. Our profit was over $425! Many thanks to all for donating items, time and money.

The PSR Meeting hosted by our chapter on June 5, following the week-long Seminar, was a huge success. Our National President attended and spoke about membership and organizational changes for EGA as a whole.

The Designers Across America “Stocking Ornament” has arrived. You may pick up your copy of the pattern, if you purchased it, from me at the meeting.

Don’t forget to stitch a bookmark for our Community Outreach program. We donate the bookmarks to the library reading program for the youths. You can use any pattern, fabric or technique you wish. We need to have about 50 more bookmarks by July 4, so please start stitching for this worthy cause.

July 4 – plan for another fun day of stitching and food! Join us in the Community Room and let’s enjoy the holiday!

Happy Stitching!


Group Correspondence Course Update

We will be starting the Stained Glass Pillow Group Correspondence Course in July.  To see a picture of the piece and a description of the course, check it out online.  The fees should already have been paid, and Heather is getting ready to send our registration materials in. Remember that participants are requested to provide their own materials and supplies, to include 14 count mono canvas, stretcher bars, and Persian-type wool or perle cotton, estimated cost is $26. It will be fun to watch this project take shape in everyone’s choice of color schemes.

Region Cookbook

The Pacific Southwest Region wants your recipes to compile into a Region Cookbook, to be used as a Region Fund Raiser. Specifically, salads, all kinds of salads. Cold salads, hot salads, main course salads, and dessert salads.

Volunteer Service Hours

Be sure to turn in your volunteer service hours during the chapter meeting. These hours are vital in helping EGA maintain its non-profit status. All volunteer hours count, even if for an organization other than EGA.

Thanks to everyone !!

UFO Updates

Tamara Willis has provided the following status for Un Finished Objects 2005 Program.

Older Projects (started prior to 1998) (4 pts) 12
Old Projects (started prior to 2005) (3 pts) 24
New (started and finished stitching in 2005) (1 pt) 21
Group Correspondence Course (2 pts) 2
Outreach bookmarks (2 pts) 0
New Technique (2 pts) 8
Chapter Programs (2 pts) 2
Model for Chapter Programs (2 pts) 0
Finished (2 pts) 36
Seminar / ANG / CATS (2 pts) 8

Other News

  • The July meeting will be an open stitching night.  Bring whatever project you are in the mood for and enjoy some stitching time with other addicts!
  • This month’s member spotlight is on Heather Cowan.
  • The San Diego County Fair is in full swing, but will soon be over.  Three of our members took home prizes.
    • Gloria Fedor won the most awards, for all of her five entries. First of all, for the Log Cabin needlepoint, she won First Place and Best of Division. Her Quilted Flamingo in shades and textures of pinks won a First Place, collection of Temari Balls won a First Place, the Needlepoint Cat won a Second Place and Needlepoint Pillow also won a Second Place.
    • Gini Moore won two First Places for her Christmas Angel stocking (finished by Margi Thornburgh–thank you!) and GCC Star of Hearts (framed by Pat Smith-thank you!; thanks also to Ruth Wallis for sharing fibers!).
    • Sandy Higgins’ finely detailed Stumpwork Box won a First Place in the Professionals’ Needlepoint category.
  • Celebrate the 4th of July with us!  We will be stitching and eating (if you want to participate in the potluck) at our usual location in the Clairemont Community Room.  The festivities start at noon.
  • Don’t forget to support the businesses that advertise in our chapter newsletter!  Let them know you are a member of Muchas Manos and appreciate their support.  In this month’s newsletter, our advertisers were:  Fabrication, Needlecraft Cottage, Needle Nook of La Jolla, Needlepoint of La Jolla, Sandy’s Finishing Touches, Stitcher’s Treasures, and The Black Sheep.

Chapter members–click here to access the full newsletter.  You will be directed to our private Yahoo group and you will need to sign in.

President’s MessageGroup Correspondence Course UpdateVolunteer Service HoursUFO UpdatesOther News

President’s Message

Hope to see everyone at the White Elephant Sale, Memorial Day, Monday May 30th, in the Clairemont Community Center. Please bring your friends, family and neighbors. We plan to have as much fun as we did on New Year’s Day!

Don’t forget to sign up for the Designers Across America “Stocking Ornament” designed by Martha Ellis. The Stocking is a canvas piece with six different stitches. We plan to have two program meetings for the Stocking, the first to stitch it with Nancy Horne, and the second to finish it with Sandy Higgins. It finishes up to an ornament size of about 4 ½” by 5 ½”. I can’t wait! May 30th will be the last day you can sign up to get the pattern, for only $2.00. Please let me or another Board member know if you are interested.

Happy Stitching!


Group Correspondence Course Update

We will be starting the Stained Glass Pillow Group Correspondence Course in July.  To see a picture of the piece and a description of the course, check it out online.  The text fee, $30.00 per participant, is due no later than Sunday, May 15.  The teacher’s fee is $130.00 which will be divided among the participants.  If ten members sign up, the fee would be $13.00 each.  Each member will be responsible for materials and supplies, to include 14 count mono canvas, stretcher bars, and Persian-type wool or perle cotton, estimated cost is $26.  Total fees are due by May 23.  Please see Heather Cowan to register.

Volunteer Service Hours

Be sure to turn in your volunteer service hours to Ina Gibson, our Regional Rep. These hours are vital in helping EGA maintain its non-profit status. All volunteer hours count, even if for an organization other than EGA.

Thanks to everyone !!

UFO Updates

Tamara Willis has provided the following status for Un Finished Objects 2005 Program.

Older Projects (started prior to 1998) (4 pts) 12
Old Projects (started prior to 2005) (3 pts) 24
New (started and finished stitching in 2005) (1 pt) 18
Group Correspondence Course (2 pts) 2
Outreach bookmarks (2 pts) 0
New Technique (2 pts) 8
Chapter Programs (2 pts) 2
Model for Chapter Programs (2 pts) 0
Finished (2 pts) 36
Seminar / ANG / CATS (2 pts) 4

Other News

  • The June program will be Christmas Hearts.  A quick and easy cross-stitch pattern that has the added interest of four satin stitch hearts, and a Rhodes heart in the center. You can check it out here (Link no longer available).  Although it is called “Christmas”, its color scheme can be modified to match any décor or holiday theme. Please visit our Programs page for a supply list.
  • This month’s member spotlight is on Gloria Fedor.
  • Coming up on May 30th–another White Elephant Sale!  Mark your calendars for a day of fun picking up stitching supplies and patterns for super low prices.
  • The San Diego County Fair is fast approaching.  Wondering how you can be involved?  Check out our fair page for ideas.
  • Don’t forget to support the businesses that advertise in our chapter newsletter!  Let them know you are a member of Muchas Manos and appreciate their support.  In this month’s newsletter, our advertisers were:  Fabrication, Needlecraft Cottage, Needle Nook of La Jolla, Needlepoint of La Jolla, Sandy’s Finishing Touches, Stitcher’s Treasures, and The Black Sheep.

President’s MessageGroup Correspondence Course UpdateVolunteer Service HoursUFO UpdatesOther News

President’s Message

Let’s all start stitching bookmarks! As you may recall, last year the chapter stitched almost 150 bookmarks that were donated to the reading programs at the public libraries. Our goal is to stitch more bookmarks this year and to get other chapters to do the same. I look forward to seeing all the creative, fun and exciting bookmarks again.

Look at the Pacific Southwestern Region website for upcoming stitching events. The 2005 Stitchers’ Faire in April 30 and May 1 in Oxnard, California, presented by the Channel Islands Chapter. Join us May 31 through June 4 for the 2005 PSR Seminar, Stitching’ on the Dock of the Bay, at the Hyatt Regency Islandia.

And don’t forget to sign up for the next Group Correspondence Course, Stained Glass Pillow. The headline to get your name on the list and submit the initial payment is Sunday, May 15. Heather Cowan will be the coordinator for this course.

Happy Stitching!


Group Correspondence Course Update

We will be starting the Stained Glass Pillow Group Correspondence Course in July.  To see a picture of the piece and a description of the course, check it out online.  The text fee, $30.00 per participant, is due no later than Sunday, May 15.  The teacher’s fee is $130.00 which will be divided among the participants.  If ten members sign up, the fee would be $13.00 each.  Each member will be responsible for materials and supplies, to include 14 count mono canvas, stretcher bars, and Persian-type wool or perle cotton, estimated cost is $26.  Total fees are due by May 23.  Please see Heather Cowan to register.

Volunteer Service Hours

Be sure to turn in your volunteer service hours to Ina Gibson, our Regional Rep. These hours are vital in helping EGA maintain its non-profit status. All volunteer hours count, even if for an organization other than EGA.

Thanks to everyone !!

UFO Updates

Tamara Willis has established the following categories for Un Finished Objects 2005 Program.

Older Projects (started prior to 1998) (4 pts) 12
Old Projects (started prior to 2005) (3 pts) 24
New (started and finished stitching in 2005) (1 pt) 11
Group Correspondence Course (2 pts) 2
Outreach bookmarks (2 pts) 0
New Technique (2 pts) 8
Chapter Programs (2 pts) 2
Model for Chapter Programs (2 pts) 0
Finished (2 pts) 27
Seminar / ANG / CATS (2 pts) 4

Other News

  • The May program will be a Hardanger Needle Case presented by Ina Gibson.  The pre-stitching for this project will be started at the chapter meeting on April 25. Ina is very good at helping beginners get over their fear of cutting their fabric!  Please visit our Programs page for a supply list.
  • This month’s member spotlight is on Nancy Horne.
  • SPECIAL INVITATION TO DINNER BEFORE THE APRIL 25 MEETING–A special get-together to share time with Ruth Wallis at Troy’s Restaurant in the Clairemont Square Shopping Center. Troy’s is at the end of the driveway, on the opposite side from the Community Center.
  • Don’t forget the upcoming 2005 Pacific Southwest Region Seminar!  Stitchin’ on the Dock of the Bay runs from May 31 to June 4, 2005 at the Hyatt Regency Islandia in San Diego.  It offers two-day or four-day classes, banquets, and tours of America’s Finest City.  Can you submit a project for the Exhibit?  Please see Karen for details or to offer a piece. 
  • Coming up on May 30th–another White Elephant Sale!  Mark your calendars for a day of fun picking up stitching supplies and patterns for super low prices.
  • Don’t forget to support the businesses that advertise in our chapter newsletter!  Let them know you are a member of Muchas Manos and appreciate their support.  In this month’s newsletter, our advertisers were:  Fabrication, Needlecraft Cottage, Needle Nook of La Jolla, Needlepoint of La Jolla, Sandy’s Finishing Touches, Stitcher’s Treasures, and The Black Sheep.

President’s MessageVolunteer Service HoursUFO UpdatesOther News

President’s Message

Remember that your attendance can pay off! For each meeting attended, you are entered in the end of the year drawing for one year’s paid membership. And as a bonus this year, anyone with perfect attendance will receive an extra chance in the drawing. Keep coming to the chapter meetings, even if you are stitching something besides the program project.

Get ready for April’s meeting. We plan to continue the wonderful bookmark program. And this year, one of our members, Jennifer Tom, has graciously offered to design another pattern for us.

Also, the Pacific Southwestern Region Seminar is just around the corner! Our chapter is hosting the Region Meeting on Sunday, June 5. All members are needed to make the meeting a success. Please help by participating in the White Elephant Sale (May 30), volunteering during the meeting, helping to put together favors, etc. See any of the board members for volunteer opportunities.

Happy Stitching!


Volunteer Service Hours

Be sure to turn in your volunteer service hours to Ina Gibson, our Regional Rep. These hours are vital in helping EGA maintain its non-profit status. All volunteer hours count, even if for an organization other than EGA.

Thanks to everyone !!

UFO Updates

Tamara Willis has established the following categories for Un Finished Objects 2005 Program.

Older Projects (started prior to 1998) (4 pts)
Old Projects (started prior to 2005) (3 pts)
New (started and finished stitching in 2005) (1 pt)
Group Correspondence Course (2 pts)
Outreach bookmarks (2 pts)
New Technique (2 pts)
Chapter Programs (2 pts)
Model for Chapter Programs (2 pts)
Finished (2 pts)
Seminar / ANG / CATS (2 pts)

Other News

  • April’s program will be a Jennifer Tom original bookmark design.  This will be a wonderful project that all of us can stitch up for our public library Outreach program.  Please visit our Programs page for a supply list.
  • This month’s member spotlight is on Ruth Wallis.
  • Grab a bite with other members before the monthly meetings, at Troy’s restaurant in the Clairemont Square Shopping Center. Troy’s is at the end of the driveway in front of the Community Room, on the opposite side of the driveway.
  • Don’t forget the upcoming 2005 Pacific Southwest Region Seminar!  Stitchin’ on the Dock of the Bay runs from May 31 to June 4, 2005 at the Hyatt Regency Islandia in San Diego.  It offers two-day or four-day classes, banquets, and tours of America’s Finest City.  Can you submit a project for the Exhibit?  Please see Karen for details or to offer a piece. 
  • Coming up on May 30th–another White Elephant Sale!  Mark your calendars for a day of fun picking up stitching supplies and patterns for super low prices.
  • Don’t forget to support the businesses that advertise in our chapter newsletter!  Let them know you are a member of Muchas Manos and appreciate their support.  In this month’s newsletter, our advertisers were:  Fabrication, Framesmith, Needlecraft Cottage, Needlepoint of La Jolla, Sandy’s Finishing Touches, Stitcher’s Treasures, and The Black Sheep.