Chapter members–click here to access the full newsletter.  You will be directed to our private Yahoo group and you will need to sign in.

President’s MessageCorrespondence Course UpdateVolunteer Service HoursUFO UpdatesOther News

President’s Message

It is hard to believe the year is almost over. I’d like to thank the current board and committee members for all their hard work over the past year.

Please visit our library display during November and December at the Carmel Valley library located at 3919 Townsgate Drive, San Diego. The display looks wonderful and a special thanks to Margi and Heather for setting it up.

Please join us for the Holiday Party Monday, December 5, at Ina Gibson’s home. The party is a potluck and all are invited. If you wish to participate in the gift exchange, please bring a wrapped hand-stitched item, or a stitching related item valued at $20.00 maximum. I hope to see everyone there!

Another reminder of our next Group Correspondence Course – the 17th century English-Style Sampler by teacher Ilse Altherr. Sign-ups will be taken until December 15, 2005.

For the New Year celebration, we plan a full afternoon of stitching on Monday, January 2, 2006, in the Community Room, from noon to 5:00 p.m. Let’s start the year with a great day of stitching – hope to see you there as well.

Happy Stitching! Karen

Group Correspondence Course Update

The Stained Glass Pillow Group Correspondence Course continues. To see a picture of the piece and a description of the course, check it out online.

As the Stained Glass Pillow Group Correspondence Course continues, we are preparing for the next Course, the 17th Century English-Style Sampler.  The last day to sign up is December 15. The costs are $29.50 for the text, and the teacher’s fee is currently at $16.25 for the 8 current participants. If more people sign up, the teacher’s fee would be reduced. As is the norm with GCC’s, your materials will be of your own choice and at your own cost. Please contact Karen Krampe at Nov. 21 Open Stitching or 11-28-05 Meeting to sign up.

Volunteer Service Hours

Be sure to turn in your volunteer service hours during the chapter meeting. These hours are vital in helping EGA maintain its non-profit status. All volunteer hours count, even if for an organization other than EGA. Thanks to everyone !!

UFO Updates

Tamara Willis has provided the following status for Un Finished Objects 2005 Program.

Older Projects (started prior to 1998) (4 pts) 16
Old Projects (started prior to 2005) (3 pts) 45
New (started and finished stitching in 2005) (1 pt) 47
Group Correspondence Course (2 pts) 6
Outreach bookmarks (2 pts) 40
New Technique (2 pts) 14
Chapter Programs (2 pts) 6
Model for Chapter Programs (2 pts) 0
Finished (2 pts) 116
Seminar / ANG / CATS (2 pts) 16

Other News

  • Instead of our regular chapter meeting in December, we will be having our holiday party on Monday, December 5, 2005. Ina has graciously offered her home for our annual Holiday Party. Please join in the fun from 6:30 p.m. Bring a dish to share for dinner – no signups needed. This will be a true potluck – if we end up with 20 desserts, OK ! All we will eat is dessert! The festivities will include UFO awards, a drawing for free membership next year (any member who attended even one meeting could be the lucky winner), and the always-fun and sometimes-hilarious gift exchange.
  • The January program will be a library night.  Members will be able to peruse the Chapter’s Library and check out books they find interesting!
  • Don’t forget to support the businesses that advertise in our chapter newsletter!  Let them know you are a member of Muchas Manos and appreciate their support.  In this month’s newsletter, our advertisers were:  Fabrication, Needlecraft Cottage, Needle Nook of La Jolla, Needlepoint of La Jolla, Sandy’s Finishing Touches, Stitcher’s Treasures, and The Black Sheep.

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